Points Of Light, what's in a word? Not much, right?
But look more closely at a word. Look close at a word and tell me what you see. Look at the word light. Look at the word color. Look at the word beauty. Look at the word happy. Finally, please look at the word love. A word, your eye might see a word and in seeing a word it might not look like much, but in the looking does it change your affect? Can a word, a word that's not much to look at make you smile? Can a word that's not much to look at cause a welcomed warmth to fill your body? Can a word that's not much to look at compel you to emote a good feeling?
Points Of Light, I'm seriously asking you to look at the above word suggestions and I'm asking you to think seriously about all the questions suggested above. Please think plainly and clearly. Eventually, allow your thoughts of the individual words - light, color, beauty, and happiness coalesce together in a singular unity. Give this unity an opportunity to fly and soar high in your hearts sky. As they fly, look down with them as they look down at the bright green trees in the mountains below them. Look with them to see the crystal clear azure skies and notice the warmth of a radiant sun gently caressing your outstretched wings. For as long as you want, take these thoughts as high and as far as you want!
When you finally settle down back to earth, once again ask yourself, "What's in a word?" Pretty good question, right? Insert smile here!