Points Of Light, sometimes we don't get it right the first time and we experience tumbles and falls in a life lived. That's okay, I've done just that also.
Here, take my hand and I'll help lift you from the ground. I love you and I always call you a Point Of Light for a good reason. I see it in you even when you might miss its presence. I'd like to ask you read this and in reading it please give yourself some much needed and well-deserved tenderness. Love has no conditions, so right now, have none for yourself and just feel love without condition.
Thanksgiving Day. What have I to be thankful for? The answer is a lot. I've lived a long life that's been pretty full. In fact, I'm just about to walk into the threshold of my fourth generation. Am I thankful for that? To which I answer, of course. I was born in the first year of the 60's decade and had the chance to see and experience the romance our nation had with The Greatest Generation in the relationship of love my grandmother and grandfather gave me as a little boy. Grandma also made me feel so fortunate because of all the houses in the whole world, her and grandpa's house, the third house on their street, was the third house Santa Clause would visit each Christmas!
I got the chance of a lifetime to grow up in Atlanta Georgia during a time of great upheaval, I saw an entire country learn and grow from that. In the '70s I'd serve my country, first in the Army JROTC and then in the USAF during both the height and close of the Cold War. The 80's would find me getting married and would be when my wife's love would have her deliver the most beautiful baby girl and boy into our lives. After that, I took a few decades to stumble and fall flat on my face as I searched high and low to discover who I was and why was I even here in the first place. I'd lose my way during that journey, sometimes losing my kids as I uprooted all of us for my journey. Finally, after walking the journey's distance and arriving at the end of the twenty-tens decade and my third-generation, I finally found what I'd been so frantically searching for in the form of an unexpected gift of Amazing Grace. In receiving this precious gift, I can now look back on my life and reflect on the light that had always been present with me with its kaleidoscope of beautiful dancing colors! And better still, all of this continues to give me more Grace in the form of some emotional happy tears. On June 4th of 2019, I had this reflection and I think it speaks to this November 28, 2019. I know it speaks to very thankful blessings -
Mulligan? They say not in real life. But who are "they" anyway? It's also said you can't stop believing. I personally know too many times when I didn't get it right and the first time I almost always messed up in big ways. I've fallen and sometimes feel I can never get back up. Messing up, maybe my face is a picture next to it's meaning in the dictionary, I'm not going to look. But as I've often said, life can be funny, not
easy to understand and it's there where I always find myself. A father only gets one chance, right? A friend, how many chances? I see my daughter who talks to me and shares with me how awesome her husband is and allows me to go shopping with her kids, my grand-kids. I have a son who will get his fiance and she and he will go to a restaurant with me and we'll eat and talk and have awesome fellowship together. I have friends that look through my silly weirdness and encourage me, giving me love in little ways they have no awareness of. I'm not sure if I'm talking about mulligans, I do know I'm talking about being one lucky guy.