Points Of Light, sometimes it takes looking at what's going on in my life, the thing that seems to be a negative, maybe IS a negative, bad, wrong, and bothering me, then paint myself a visual picture of that thing while I build a narrative around it, telling it as a story that can go a different, new, and better way.
I call it thinking, you might call it meditating or pondering. When you build a narrative, you can choose any color you want as you choose the words to paint your story. The more color we find, and sometimes we need to search hard for those colors, the more light we find to see those colors. And remember, there are no mistakes, they're just pretty little trees....
By Tod Thomas Price Thursday, May 26, 2016 2:22 am
What is it that keeps one from flying? Is it the fear of falling? To be above it all is a wonderful thing and the falling from this wonder is a shame because being up there was much better than ever it was down here. What if you tell others, “Yes indeed I can fly”? Is it a brag? Then when you’re alone, you fly, you sore so effortlessly! While in short time those who heard you brag see you flying, and in that moment of seeing they steal the air beneath your wings. Looking the fool, you plow down to earth below, you feel injured and an utter fraud.
Then do they, the brag hearers merely laugh at your folly and pitiful attempt at vain glory, or rather, do they gut you and put you to the spit for their sustenance? Is it the fear of showing a mistake while flying? In this mistake you fall for a moment like some hog pretending to be an Albatross! All one can know is that soaring up there is much more wonderful than being down here. But then, the doing is even much better than the knowing. Think.