When the rain stops and in what seems to be a forever time; when not one single drop of water has penetrated fertile soil; when the earth is parched and extremely dry - this is the only way I know how to describe to you how my heart is existing in a time and space where it lacks a vibrant feeling of exuberant emotion; it's a place where letters refuse to flow from my heart because they have no desire to share beauty. This is a place where I feel I'm exiled to a desert and my heart only exists in a state of negative "is" - just is, just existing, just being, just thirsting, just... Said another way, with an absence of vibrance, my heart feels no purpose as dullness, the mundane, and tedium seizes my heart. For my heart, a lived life without exuberant rain is like not being able to see or giving away beauty. Beauty is a delicious, mesmerizing, re-vitalizing, exuberant vibrance that refreshes my heart, waking it up, bringing the all of me - my complete self back to life. Being brought back from "just being" means my heart can give and share - that's a lived life that's soaking in the rain, that's a lived life that's experiencing beauty - THAT IS THE BEST IS.
Who is a friend? What if it's said, "I want to be your friend?" Could the one who speaks those words to me be a good friend? Could that person become a genuine friend? "I want" comes from the consideration of deliberate thought where intelligence and desire meet to decide, meaningfully, this question - "what is it that is most wanted". When "I want to be your friend" is said to me, well, I'm pleased to say that this can be the first drop of some much-needed vibrant and exuberant rain. When intelligence and desire have met and together, when they've come to a decision they "want" to be my good and genuine friend, well, that's actually my heart finding authentic beauty; It's my heart soaking in vibrance and experiencing the fullness of exuberance in a moment that's arrived when it's most needed and meaningful. It's in this moment when the desert realizes it's about to become a wetland. It's the precise time my heart begins to feel an urgent desire to share beauty.
In a world where life is lived and my heart is experiencing this first drop of rain, beauty calmly waits for a second drop, then on the third, until the flood opens up - this is exuberance, this is vibrance making my heart happy. Music has its own peculiar expression of vibrations (vibrance) that act in so many various ways on almost all our hearts. Please allow me to back up; If beauty has as its predicate, color; and if color's predicate is light, the question needs to be asked - hasn't science proven light is a vibration? If the answer is yes, do we need light's vibrations to see color in order to experience beauty? Let me then suggest that the vibrations of music can add so much color to our lives and with all these colors, we can choose to see beauty. Where music's vibrations cause beauty to be found in the heart, music's vibrations are touching our emotions at the exact frequency wherein they exist in beauty - even in our very complicated lived lives. It's wondrous how music accomplishes this. I have to add this; I find it extraordinarily amazing how some are so in tune with the frequency of the beauty they process within their heart that music can touch them at a depth that is never perceptible to anyone but themselves. What if a friend shares with me how music's frequencies have moved her at that depth? Of course, this was imperceptible to me. But what if she confesses to some specific music touching her in that place where she and she alone can enter? This kind of beauty can effectuate rain's downpour and awaken a heart that's felt dry and parched. Beauty isn't calm now; I and my heart are ready to smile, we want to share beauty.