Life is funny you know. So full of light, color, and beauty - life is amazing and gives each of us a choice to allow our hearts to fly the height of any ecstatic emotion at a moment's notice. Can you see the power we possess in this ability? Can you allow this knowledge to give you a heart smile that feels like, "I really do love myself, my life IS good?" This very heart smile is possible and it's a very good thing.
When I step outside and I look up at my crystal clear azure sky, I know what good means and I feel this goodness smiling happily at me. If I look too long at this azure blue sky, I ain't going to lie, the goodness of the moment can overwhelm me as this azure sky lets me know I'm loved without any condition and in fact, it wants me to know I'm loved just because I took my last breath and my next breath is coming to me. With this knowledge of her unconditional love, the azure sky freely and easily gives me tears of joy and happiness along with all the reasons I'm always frantically searching to understand my life lived.
Across that azure sky, the sky that's smiled down just on me, the sky that's has given me all her love, she's joined by white puffy clouds. My happiness, my heart, my joy, my feelings were already full, but this azure sky and these white puffy clouds come together to assure me that if I didn't feel like my heart smile was real, that if I'd given it a moment's fleeting thought that my head had only imagined my azure lady was only "a nice story" to consider, together they conspire to orchestrate a soft samba melody for me. They know when I allow music to flood my heart, it makes my smile feel complete and more real than anything that was ever real. When I see the white puffy clouds sail slowly through her azure beauty, their song is all I hear, and never is there a time when I'm happier than at this moment with this very song given with so much love just to me by my azure sky and her friends - the white puffy clouds.
Well, as I've described them, everything seems right just now, then science taps me on the shoulder and whispers in my ear as I feel the warmth of the sun caressing my body. You see, it's actually the sun whispering in my ear, "Hey Tod w/ one d, the azure sky you're in love with, I wanted you to have her - you're amazing buddy!" What am I to do? I give in! Who am I to argue with all these emotions? The azure sky, the puffy white clouds, the sun - all this beauty, all this music, all this warmth, all this love, my heart smile - why should I turn it down? Asked another way, why shouldn't I just continue to look at everything they're offering me and feel every emotion they're asking me to feel? And the question grows exponentially as the entirety of this experience takes my heart to the height of ecstasy.
But then, I started out this little ditty this way, "Life is funny you know." Here in this part of a very big world, here where we grow a lot of corn, the azure sky is a wonderful lady that I love with all my heart. I love it when she conspires with the white puffy clouds to sing me a soft samba to capture my heart. I accept that I'd not have my beautiful azure lady if the sun's warm light hadn't given her to me, and I accept he wants me to feel warm just because I'm pretty darned amazing. But where is my beautiful, warm, azure lady serenading me with her soft semba melody - where is she in flesh and blood.
NO WORRIES, lol, just musing out loud, she's here somewhere asking similar questions and waiting for me to find her.
As always
Love and Peace
Tod w/ one d