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The Importance Of Building A Catalog Of Light

Writer's picture: Tod Thomas PriceTod Thomas Price

Updated: Feb 26, 2020

Points Of Light, I promise I'll always be honest with you. Perhaps this comes from my need to listen to my heart when I write. As I listen to my heart I have a need to write what feels real to me with transparent honesty. Maybe it's in this I find my light that reveals its rich colors to me. Maybe only in this can I hope to find beauty for my life lived that'll afford me enough happiness to make me smile, and maybe giggle a little. Also, maybe I've just helped you see your way to find your own color palette using the light within yourself to paint beautiful word pictures also. Whenever I have an express need to be honest I usually write this - honesty demands.


Honesty demands I tell you I was feeling a little sorry for myself tonight. Remember when I wrote you in "About The Author" portion of this blog that "I can tell you I've not figured out this thing called life, not by any stretch of my imagination which all you Points Of Light will soon find to sometimes be very vivid." Well, that was me being honest with you. I can add more honesty by telling you my imagination was certainly grounded tonight. It was grounded in the dullness of "Who am I? I'm a nobody lacking color and no good for anyone!" I hope you can forgive me because the last thing I want to do is to let you Points Of Light down, you deserve more especially when I consider Love never looking at itself and it's love I've publicly confessed to having for all of you.

So I searched my heart looking for some light in my past that had given me color and allowed me to see some beauty. It didn't take long for me to recall a time back in 2010 when I'd written a short but beautiful tale of love. I'd been listening to a weekend radio show centered on Celtic music. One of the songs took me back to a medieval time somewhere in Ireland. It inspired me to write about this love affair that takes place at that very time and place the Celtic singer had taken me. While this is one the few things I've written where I never mention light and barely mention colors, the story is bright and crisp with overflowing light and color and I've always found beauty in the story that never fails to help me smile.

Points Of Light, write all the time. Search your heart with sincerity and be honest with your words and write them wherever they fall. Save what you write because like me, maybe there'll be times you'll need the catalog of your writings to look back on to put light back into a dark day.

Here what I wrote -

Somewhere within a mere single degree of separation between a lovely song and wonderful dream, this journey, from there to here we’ve traveled, together, inseparable. As your honor was mine own, guarded with assertive, aggressive vigor; so my honor you’d protect with all the steely mettle of a fierce white tigress. Our trek, no matter where it lead, for one another we were and it was always so. No one dare speak ill of your fairness, no never within earshot for they would of a certainty fall and pity be with them. Elsewise, no one thought to go for myself for the direst of consequences from you would come. So we continued moving forward, you and me, always forward, arm in arm, our existence woven together in an ever-growing tapestry of love. One step, two, ninety-nine, thousands behind us now, our souls more entwined, blood coursing through our separate bodies as with the beat of one singular heart. Thoughts of you, porcelain skin so fair, eyes so big and as crystal blue as the azure waters of the Caribbean, lips as red as a middle-eastern pomegranate, breasts as inviting as a pair of delicate cooing turtle doves, these thoughts capture my waking moments and never want to let me go. You’ve been here so long, soothing my brow, kissing my cheek, running your fingers through my hair, singing your song that brings along mollifying grace and calm. On the way, my tongue would never burn dry for you bringing me in a cup the cool of the nearby spring, nor did water barely begin to drop from your eye that I didn’t reach out, wipe it away and bring you strongly to my chest to have and hold you in my arms. My lady, I thank you for this journey so dear, the trek together has not always been kind, but the companionship on the way could not have been more intensely, insanely beautiful without you being there when another step had to be. And so, today as I look back and see how priceless real and beauty true can be all because of you, I want you with all my heart and exceedingly beyond that, I need you more today than ever I have. Will you please, please take my hand and continue on beside me, my lady, my love?

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