We've heard the Bible say, " Jesus told us God is light and doesn't have any darkness in him. Now we are telling you." In my search for light I often forget this. WOW! Yet, when it's dark and I'm lying awake at night, and I'm feeling insecure for some perceived darkness, where do I find Light? Well, this was me acting out in real time on September 19, 2019 -
I wanted to be asleep right now. I wanted to be unaware of my overly loud snoring, content to dream. I've been on the computer going here then over there, then.... I looked at the Facebook and noticed so many people saying so many different things about all kinds of things and thought about how the world is a lot noisier than Tod's snoring, by more than a lot really. I went to The Bible Cathedral's Facebook page for a minute, that's the church I tend to go to irregularly here lately (irregularly being a step up from the not attending any church at all like I'd been doing). I felt a little better. It made me think about that sweet spiritual unity I crave. It's a pretty simple word, isn't it? Unity, only five letters, pretty plain, pretty simple. And yet it can be elusive in a great big complex noisy world. Question, when you've attended church, have you ever felt the blessing of hearing the voices of lots of men and women sing in unison, sing in the unity that they want more God? When you did, did you shut up from a moment of singing yourself just to listen? When you did, did it fill your heart with a warmth that just felt big and wonderful like a strong hug that wouldn't let go and you didn't want to end? Did you look around to take in men, women, children, young and old, brown-skinned, white-skinned, hurting people, happy people, people of all kinds singing something that forced barriers to fall as they lifted up their voices in unity, singing in unison? When you listened, did it make you smile? I'm not a writer but I like to write and put all kinds of junk here on the Facebook. I add to the noise and might as well record my snoring and put here in a video. I've never stopped to ask you anything, I just keep talking. I want you to know I know I'm nothing really, a nobody. Not the poor is me nobody, just an ordinary man, a person like every other person here on the Facebook. But may I ask you a question? May I pray for you? I think I'll stop here.