Points Of Light, sometimes I have to remember I've been humbled more than once. Humility is a beautiful thing and very much worth reliance on.
Judgments can proceed from us so easily while being needless at the same time. In a life lived that's neither been simple nor simply understood, rather that life lived was yours or mine, the non-simplicity of our lives should have granted us enough light to have learned colorful lessons in living. Then hopefully, that color can show us beauty where we once looked to only succeed in missing that same beauty. Let me explain with the following -
How many times have I heard this song? Of course, the answer is countless. The first time I heard it, well I dismissed it out of hand. I dismissed it for silly notions of some odd judgment long since forgotten. But in the humility the years have produced in me, I now hear it and see all the light this beautiful song has to offer. That very light forces me to notice all the depth of color in this song, which happily, I can't ignore. Beauty I think, is so rare, and beauty makes me happy every time I find it.
Our society is obsessed with emotional pain. This is no critic - not in the least. My heart breaks for every person experiencing emotional pain and this blog is about both the darkness of my pain and my journey to get through it. I've likened the darkness of my emotional pain to ravenous beats nipping at my flesh with their razor-sharp teeth. Nevertheless, and most importantly, this blog is about finding light to pierce my darkness in the words I always write when I'm in the midst of darkness. In these words, I always write about light in order to find color and beauty in life, my life. But -
Pain. What a powerful word to any of us who feel it to the very marrow of our bones - viscerally feeling our pain. Who could know the depth of my pain - your pain? The song says He was "A man of sorrows (sadness, anguish, troubles, difficulties, afflictions), filled with grief (anxiety, pain, affliction, regret, worry)." In fact, the song says, no proclaims that He "walked a mile in MY shoes!" But beyond that, much more than that, wow, "He did not keep Himself away - He was no stranger to my pain!"
That's a lot of power. That's a power that's more majestic than anything I could imagine or even begin to
live. But past the word "power" is a word unknown to me as a man made of clay. That word is "LOVE!" I mean, would I walk a mile in your shoes? Would you walk a mile in my shoes? For lack of that word "LOVE," I dare to say "No" to those questions - neither I nor you would put on the other's shoes. But then that's Jesus's job and it's a job He's already accomplished. He's just waiting for us to realize it. That begs the questions - Can we see His nails? Can we feel His pain? Whatever the answers, those were ours He accepted when He put on our shoes.
Still, with the humility I already mentioned, I can tell you I'm here for you. When you struggle, when you fall on your face, when you're feeling emotional pain, you can talk to me. Leave me a message here in a comment below. message me on FB at Tod Thomas Price, call or text me at (812) 250-9245. If you call and I don't answer right away, text this to me, "Time to talk?" and I'll return your call.
As always, peace and love. - Tod Thomas Price