Points Of Light, just write. Well, prepare to write by listening to your heart to hear something real, honest, and sincere, then "Just Write." I like to think, then take a pause to just feel. When I say that, I mean that I need to be authentic and I must be real because truth is everything. If like me you've seen so much dark ugliness, even from the start of your life, you authentically what to share light and beauty with your family and friends, that becomes the thing with the utmost importance. So I pause for intention to find and see the light in my heart. When I'm seeing this light, I want to share just those very few words that shine with a clarity of beauty that gifts a smile to others seeing it themselves for the first time. Think beauty and color seen in light bringing smiles.
By Tod Thomas Price
Sunday, June 4, 12:37 am
Why I Write
When I first thought to write this, it was going to go in a very specific direction, ha, not so much now. Thought I, why do I like to write, how do I explain that? Mind you, you need not even want to wonder why Tod like’s to write, but, and if you do wonder, I don’t have to tell you of that why. Still, rather you do or do not wonder why Tod writes, I’m going to share with you a small piece that is me.
The first thing you need to know is that Tod thinks. When I tell you he thinks, I mean he thinks, and he thinks, and he thinks some more. He’s always busy about thinking. His thoughts go on, and on, and on. Sometimes he wishes he would just stop thinking. “Why”, you ask? Because there are so many thoughts and so little time...I mean, they drive him batty! All this thinking, and thinking, and thinking make him crazy, sometimes for lack of a thought brake, they infuriate him.
Then, well he thinks this, “What of my family and friends”? What do his family and friends even grasp of him? He knows the answer to the question, sadly, it’s that they grasp very little. Tod is almost always alone in singular solitude within his own mind thinking. He knows he talks to others, he’s glad for that, but it’s maddening to him how through the black-hole that is his ever present thinking he does not share even the smallest parts of himself. So utterly captive by these thoughts he often merely repeats what someone has said, then he smiles or laughs to feign a presence that isn’t shallow. Of that black-hole, he wishes he could escape its pull, but one can’t escape the attraction of so great gravity. Knowing that to be true, Tod’s usually sad and down trodden that his family and friends can’t know anything of himself but the shallow pool he shares, that is, if he shares at all.
But then, from time to time, a tiny glimmer of light that is Tod escapes the singularity to get to his family and friends. It’s the words he writes. Somehow he manages to collect his thoughts, then he expresses them as words on the screen. Though these words may always be different, through these written words, he does manage to share himself with his family and friends. It’s always a very personal part of himself and he always shares it in two distinct ways. First, and of course this has to be true, he shares with his family and friends that he is a thinker who thinks. He does this by writing in a ridiculous style and by choosing words to make his reader think. In doing this, he knows the readers who think the deepest will see beyond his words, finding a feeling, a part of himself that if they chose, will stay with them for a while. Second, he hopes with his words he’s painted a picture, a beautiful tapestry, made by him, a present for them, his family and friends he loves so much and longs to touch, deeply touch. Thus, Tod writes.